One Hot Encoding and Hazard Prediction


2 min read

One hot encoding is a process where categorical variables are converted into a form that is fed to a machine learning algorithm for more accurate prediction.

I demonstrated the concept on a dummy data curated by me. Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 6.32.26 PM.png

In this sample dataset, 'ascites', 'edema', and 'stage' are categorical variables while 'cholesterol' is a continuous variable, since it can be any decimal value greater than zero.

In this dataset, I applied one hot encoding to the edema column because it had three categories. One hot encoding onto this column will create feature columns for each of the possible outcome. I also applied this technique to the stage column as they are not in form of 0 and 1.

Hot encoding 'stage'

Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 6.40.46 PM.png Looking at the above table, it shows that one of the features is redundant, so to avoid multicollinearity, I dropped on of the columns.

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I converted the one hot encoded values to decimals since the model expects the values to be fed to it in a certain data type. I renamed the 'stage_4' column to 'stage', then converted the values to a float64 data type using numpy.

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Using the above dataset, I predicted a new patient's hazard using the hazard function

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Theta is the coefficient of Xi features lambda(t, x) is the patient's hazard.

I multiplied the coefficient with the features. Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 6.55.34 PM.png

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The coefficient is a 1D array, so I transposed the features which is the X

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Finally, I predicted the hazards of three patients.

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I believe I have given an understanding of what one hot encoding means and how to go about it. This is the code and you can connect with me on LinkedIn . Thank you for reading.