Analyzing the Covid vaccine Progression

Problem statement:

To analyze the progression of the covid vaccine around the world by total vaccines and new vaccines. The dataset was gotten from Kaggle which had some of the following features:

Total deaths

Total Vaccinations

New Vaccinations

Total cases.


The reason is to estimate the progression of the vaccinations against the new cases.


To understand the timeline of when the vaccines will go round the world.


To know whether to bump up the rate of production and distribution of the vaccines.


To weigh the pros and cons of relaxing some covid precautions.


To prevent the rise of the virus and mutation of the virus.


I used Google data studio for the visualization. The first column showed the total of world population. Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 9.00.01 PM.png

The second column compared the total cases to total deaths.

Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 9.01.37 PM.png

The final column compared the progression of total vaccinations to new vaccinations.

Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 9.02.33 PM.png


There is high number of daily vaccination in UAE and Israel than the rest of the world. Thank you for reading.