Marketing Analysis

Marketing Analysis


6 min read

Case Study:

A retail analytics company wants to perform a market segmentation of their clients using their curated data of 2.5 years.


Create a targeted ad marketing campaign by dividing their customers into atleast three distinctive groups.


The data was sourced from Kaggle.

Dataset Summary

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I checked the dataset for null values and discovered some columns/variables had null values.

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I used the .drop function to drop those columns/variables.

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Data Visulaization:

I used the barplot.visualization function to visualize the country and status variables.

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I had to drop the status variable because of data imbalance.

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I used dummy variables to replace the categorical variables in the dataset which included country, product line and deal size and then grouped the dataset by the order dates.

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Then I visualized the peak sales periods.

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Looking at the above plot, the peak periods were between the months of November and December.

The next step was to plot the correlation map

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Looking at this map, the quarter IDs and the months IDs were highly correlated, I had to drop the quarter IDs and re-plotted the map.

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K-Means Clustering:

I used the elbow method to get the optimal number of clusters. For more information about this method, it can be found here .

Visualizing it, I got this graph

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I clustered the data using K-Means, and visualized the cluster centers

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I also performed inverse transformation to get this

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Cluster 0 (Highest) - This group represents customers who buy items in high quantity centered around ~47, they buy items in all price range leaning towards high price items of ~99. They also correspond to the highest total sales around ~8296 and they are active throughout the year. They are the highest buyers of products with high MSRP ~158.

Cluster 1 - This group represents customers who buy items in varying quantity ~35, they tend to buy high price items ~96. Their sales is bit better average ~4435, they buy products with second highest MSRP of ~133.

Cluster 2 (lowest) - This group represents customers who buy items in low quantity ~30. They tend to buy low price items ~68. Their sales ~2044 is lower than other clusters and they are extremely active around holiday season. They buy products with low MSRP ~75.

Cluster 3 - This group represents customers who are only active during the holidays. they buy in lower quantity ~35, but they tend to buy average price items around ~86. They also correspond to lower total sales around ~3673, they tend to buy items with MSRP around 102.

Cluster 4 - This group represents customers who buy items in varying quantity ~39, they tend to buy average price items ~94. Their sales ~4280.

Visualizing these clusters

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I performed dimensionality reduction using principle component analysis (PCA). I reduced the dataset into 3 to visualize the variables, concatenating the cluster labels to the data frame.

This is the scatterplot of the variables in 3D

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I also tried reducing the dimensionality using autoencoders, fitting the autoencoder with verbose equals 3, batch_size equals 128 and 500 epochs.

This is the graph of the score

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This project is one of the projects from my certification courses on Udemy. The repo to this project is here . Any questions, suggestions or accolades, I can be reached through my LinkedIn profile .